• K1 Endodontic File Forceps

    Excellence in Endodontics

  •  $298.00 $149.00

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  • Description

    Designed by Endodontist Dr. Kehn Yapp from Australia.

    The K1 endodontic file forceps solves the problem of challenging access when using hand files. It makes it easy to control all aspects of use when placing, passing, moving and removing endodontic hand files into and out of the canal.

    The unique reverse action which secures the handle allows for greater visibility of the entire length of the file at all times. The tip design ensures the file does not pivot or slip during use, such as when stretching the rubber dam back to access a difficult to reach canal. You are in complete control of the file at all times.

    As a clinician, your life will be made easier in many clinical applications, including:

    • Canal exploration and initial negotiation
    • Instrumentation (up and down, reaming motion)
    • Gutta percha removal
    • Apex locator use (using the “fork” attachment)

    Two directions – forwards and backwards – allow you to easily place the file in any angle. The backwards position is ideal for mesial canals of lower molars and mesiobuccal canals of upper molars.

    To pick up a file, one squeezing motion is used to open the forceps. Securing the hand file is done by simply releasing the pressure so that the reverse action naturally closes. Your team can quickly exchange files by replacing one set of forceps with another, just like you would with regular hand instruments.

    This product has the Australian Patent No. 2023290926.